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A weekly audio journey into the world of the occult, conspiracy, counterculture, and the bizarre undercurrents of the human psyche.

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photo close-up camera on tripod recording blogger

Choosing the Right Camera for Live Streaming: A Comprehensive Guide

ByMax SparksJan 22, 202413 min read

Live streaming has become a pivotal part of today’s media landscape. In 2023, the global live-streaming market size reached $1.49 billion, significantly growing from $1.24 billion in 2022. This market will expand further, reaching $3.21 billion by 2027​​. In the United States alone, there were 163.4 million consumers of live-streamed content in 2023, highlighting the…


three shipping boxes on top of a keyboard

Fail-proofing Your Company’s Shipments With Technology

Jan 22, 20235 min read

Shipping products is an integral part of any company, especially in today’s digital world. Your customers must receive their orders in a timely and safe manner. But what happens if something goes wrong during the shipping process? You could be left dealing with damaged freight…


Technologies To Keep Your Home Temperature Comfortable Year-round

Jan 10, 20235 min read

Maintaining a comfortable home temperature is essential for the comfort and well-being of its occupants. Whether it is sweltering summer or frigid winter, having the appropriate climate control measures in place to adjust temperatures can result in improved moods, increased productivity, and better quality sleep.…


A line up of finished products in beverage factory

Prioritizing Accuracy: Where to Start for Beverage Stores

Jan 22, 20235 min read

Accurately stocking and managing beverages is imperative for beverage stores to meet customer demand and remain competitive. Drinks are essential to people’s lives, providing hydration, energy, and refreshment. Beverages make up a considerable portion of the food industry, and consumers have become increasingly conscious about…

augmented reality concept logistics with digital tablet

4 Tips for Implementing Augmented Reality in Your Business

Jan 20, 20236 min read

Introducing Augmented Reality (AR) into your business can be a powerful way to boost customer engagement and create innovative experiences that leave lasting impressions. With the proper implementation, AR has the potential to revolutionize virtually your marketing campaign or product launch. Here are four tips…

Gaming & Sports

a couple

6 Awesome Smart Home Devices to Control Your Outdoor Space

Jan 29, 20225 min read

When it comes to smart home devices, it’s easy to focus on the gadgets made to make your indoor space more comfortable and convenient. But there are also many smart home devices designed to make your outdoor living spaces more enjoyable and safe. Even if…

men playing video games

How You Can Become a Professional Gamer

Jul 8, 20214 min read

Back in the day, parents will reprimand their children for playing video games for hours on end. Now more and more parents are actively encouraging their children to pursue a gaming career. And that’s for understandable reasons. The most obvious is financial gains. Professional gamers…

Health & Wellness

medical waste

Effects of Hospital’s Medical Waste and Disposing It Properly

Feb 11, 20226 min read

If you or your family members have ever spent time in the hospital, then you’re probably aware of the amount of waste produced during routine checkups and other health procedures. With all the different types of equipment used in medical settings, you might be surprised…

woman outdoors during winter

Why You Should Still Worry About Dehydration in Winter

Jan 17, 20224 min read

Dehydration is a widespread condition. At some point, you likely have experienced extreme thirst and other symptoms that come with not drinking enough water. Most people, however, tend to associate dehydration with boiling hot summers. When you are sweating a lot and doing strenuous activity…

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