Tech Trends for WFH in the New Normal: Digital Tools and Technologies to Use


There’s no denying the massive impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the world of business. Companies and organizations went on a temporary shutdown at the onset of the pandemic. Some have gone digital in their businesses and adopted the remote work setup. Their employees have complied with the work-from-home (WFH) policy up to this day.

Many pandemic restrictions have gotten lifted, which now have business implications. It looks like employees have gradually been going back to their office. However, the pandemic has also paved the way for the hybrid work in the new normal. Some employees now work from home and visit the office on certain days. It looks like remote work is redefining the future business landscape.

But if anything, we should be grateful for evolving and emerging digital tools and technologies used in business. They have made remote working plausible, thus benefiting both the companies and their employees. That said, here are technology trends used for WFH during this pandemic.

1. Chat app for consistent team interaction

There’s a line drawn between interacting face-to-face and communicating online. But even if you are in the office, you most likely communicate with various business stakeholders (employees, customers, clients, and suppliers) via digital platforms. For this reason, remote work doesn’t have a massive difference from office work.

For one, chat apps allow you to communicate with your team and engage with your customers while working from home. Think of Slack and Microsoft Teams that ensure consistent team interaction. Ultimately, they are proven effective and beneficial for remote working.

2. Video conferencing for training, coaching, and meeting

Managing remote employees can be challenging for your business or organization. Everyone should align with the business goals, processes, and strategies amidst remote working. In fact, you must consider working with an experienced business culture consultant who can help you maintain or boost your company culture in the new normal. But thanks to digital tools and technologies, they have made business interactions more seamless and consistent amid the physical distance.

In fact, the use of Zoom and Google Hangouts have become all the rage during this pandemic. Consider businesses holding online training, coaching sessions, and meetings via these communications technologies.

3. Project management tool for team handling and employee monitoring

Every business consists of teams carrying out their respective functions and members pulling off their individual tasks. Project management is crucial in ensuring the teams’ ongoing day-to-day operations and the employees’ daily accomplishments. That’s where the use of the software comes into the picture. For instance, your business can take advantage of Trello, Asana, and Basecamp. They allow you to manage your teams and ensure a successful project. As long as remote employees have an internet connection, they can access these tools to perform their tasks at home.

4. Productivity tracker for task monitoring

Efficiency and productivity are keys to ensuring successful remote work. Unfortunately, employees working from home can slack off and lose focus on their tasks. For this reason, employee monitoring and task tracking are vital to the overall equation. It’s best to utilize a productivity tracker for your business. That way, employees know their task status, and their immediate bosses can track their progress. That said, consider investing in time tracking apps such as Toggl, Todoist, and focus booster for your remote employees.

5. Cloud computing for storage of business data


Data and information are crucial in any given business. Employees receive and send data and information regularly as part of their jobs. The problem starts if and when they are working remotely. But thanks to cloud computing, this technology can answer your business needs for data storage, backup, and cybersecurity. Employees can accomplish their tasks at home and save information on cloud-based resources. They can retrieve them whenever necessary, while managers and supervisors can monitor and regulate access.

6. Automation for accomplishing repetitive, routine tasks

In recent years, we’ve seen the rise of automation in the world of business. The idea is to automate particular processes like repetitive, routine tasks for accuracy, efficiency, and overall productivity. The use of automation has further amplified during this pandemic. Many companies and organizations have utilized automated tools to accomplish particular tasks and assist their workforce in working remotely. You may want to start integrating automating into your business processes.

At this point, you now know what technology trends to incorporate into your business in the new normal. Be sure to consider the digital tools and technologies recommended above, from chat apps to productivity trackers to automation. While the COVID-19 crisis is here to stay, take advantage of these digital resources. Even after the pandemic, your business might consider modifying your business model and capitalizing on the benefits of remote working. Hence, these digital tools and technologies should remain in place for the good of your business.

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