Non-COVID-19 Related Advancements You Need Not Know About


During the past year, the news online and offline were bombarded with COVID-19 related news. People try to keep up with the latest news trying to make sense of the situation. We check for the latest news about vaccination rollouts, the effectiveness of COVID-19 treatments, as well as the best ways to protect our families from getting the virus.

We learned how businesses left and right made the necessary changes to better protect their customers and clients. They implemented COVID-appropriate measures. Many even invested in varying tools and equipment including portable and touchless solutions from leading suppliers such as Lakeside Manufacturing.

We have been obsessing over all breakthroughs related to the pandemic that we forgot that there are other medical advances that occurred during the crisis. Experts may have been working non-stop to provide us with the best COVID-19 diagnostic tools, treatment, and vaccine. But there are some new advancements that deserve recognition that can save many people’s lives.


Gene Editing

One of the biggest and latest medical breakthroughs is gene editing. Experts discovered a gene “scissor” tool called the CRISPR/Cas9 genetic scissors which can cut pieces of DNA to reestablish normal function.

Imagine having the technology to help people suffering from genetic conditions. People with sickle cell disease, for instance, only rely on a handful of drugs to treat their condition. Now, experts can snip the genetic error, replace the code, and cure their disease. This can be a life-changer for patients who have been living in pain and suffering caused by bad genes.

Alzheimer’s Blood Test

Alzheimer’s is an irreversible, progressive form of dementia. People suffering from Alzheimer’s have diminished thinking and memory skills, making it difficult to carry out simple, everyday tasks. Now, we have a blood test in clinical trials that aims to diagnose Alzheimer’s.

The problem with Alzheimer’s is that the only definitive way to diagnose this is after a patient’s death. They check the patient’s brain tissue under the microscope during an autopsy. Doctors use different tests when ruling out symptoms related to other conditions.

With the new blood test called

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