Becoming a Good Leader in a Remote Work Setup

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Imagine your organization flowing smoothly in the past decade. Then, the pandemic happened, and everything went loose. All expansion plans are put on hold. Even your employees don’t know if they will still have jobs tomorrow. You are not even sure if your organization can survive another year like last year. But here you are, somehow still surviving despite the threats of the pandemic. How were you able to do it? What separates you?

The one special thing that surviving businesses did in the past year was that they learned to adapt. When the government closed down businesses, they went back to the drawing room and figured that a work-from-home setup would keep them afloat. And so many businesses closed their offices to slash the rent expenses. They worked from the comfort of their own homes. Some turned their garage into their very own warehouse to house their business’ inventory.

Is it ideal? No. Does it work? Yes, if you’re still operating after a year that has bludgeoned many businesses to the ground. Give yourself a pat on the back because it all comes from the leadership you’ve shown along the way. And yet for many, it is hard to establish leadership when there is a lack of interaction with employees. Is it possible to become a good leader from home? Here’s a guide.

Run a Tight Ship at Home

It’s much harder to focus on the job at hand when you’re also dealing with problems at home. Make sure that everything in your home is organized—from babysitters, home security, groceries, to maintenance. One of the ways to ensure that your home is safe and sound is by buying a home insurance policy. Compare home insurance quotes to find the best price. Knowing that your home is fully protected will put you at ease and allow you to focus on becoming a good leader in the business.

Overcommunicate with Your Team

Micromanagement is not ideal in an office setting. It makes employees feel uncomfortable to have their bosses breathing down their necks. But it’s important to overcommunicate when you are managing a team remotely. Certain information cannot be picked up anymore from casual conversations at work. You need to be detailed and consistent to make sure everyone is moving in the same direction.

Address Issues Immediately

It is harder to fix issues in the organization when you are not meeting face-to-face. That’s why when there are issues that concern you, immediately address them so that they don’t get blown out of proportion. Call the attention of the staff and talk to them privately. Remember not to embarrass them during a teleconference because as much as it is hard to address business problems in a work-from-home setup, it is harder to address personnel problems when you are communicating virtually.

Check in with Your Staff

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Don’t just communicate with your staff when you have questions about the business. Check in with them even when it is not business-related. This, at least, will show them that you care about them outside your professional relationship. Maintain open channels with them. Now more than ever, at a time like this, it’s important to think about their well-being.

Recognize Your Employees’ Efforts

What makes a good leader is the ability to recognize the valued contributions of the team. In a work-from-home setup, it is harder to rise above your colleagues because the bosses don’t physically see your hard work. However, a great leader knows who is working above and beyond one’s duties. Celebrate these wins and successes. Make sure to recognize the efforts of those who are working longer hours. You can celebrate in your own way—sending flowers, food, and personal congratulatory notecards. During a teleconference, devote a few minutes to talk about the team’s contribution to the organization.

Lead from Within

Be with your team in the ups and downs of the past year. The success of working from home is not a given. It takes time, effort, sacrifice, and commitment to run an organization from the middle of a kitchen where kids are running around. Great leaders know that these times are different, and the normal rules don’t apply. Learn to be flexible when commanding the ship. You have to adapt to the changes that this pandemic brought the world.

Great leaders are born during the toughest moments. Is there anything tougher than operating a business in the middle of a pandemic? You have to make do with what you have. So, since a work-from-home setup is what you have right now, you need to maximize its potentials for the good of the organization.

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