How You Can Become a Professional Gamer

men playing video games

Back in the day, parents will reprimand their children for playing video games for hours on end. Now more and more parents are actively encouraging their children to pursue a gaming career. And that’s for understandable reasons. The most obvious is financial gains. Professional gamers or esports players can earn between $3,000 and $5,000 a month. That’s not at all bad if your son or daughter is a high school dropout, for instance.

Not that we’re advocating for you to quit school for good. You can still pursue a career in gaming while devoting time to your studies. But for you to make it to the big leagues, you need to make essential preparations.

Put in enough gaming hours

As Malcolm Gladwell advocates, to be great at something, you need to put in 10,000 hours of practice. While that sounds intimidating, it’s actually doable. You’re probably doing it now. Every chance you get, play. Try out different games like Dota 2, League of Legends, and Overwatch, among others. Zero in on your most preferred game. Play that game like your life depends on it. Soon enough, you’ll be a master, ready to compete and win.

Buy topnotch equipment

You cannot settle with a consumer-grade computer, for example. You need to play as seamlessly as possible so you can aptly gauge your progress as a gamer. That won’t happen if your screen freezes often. This is where investing in top-notch gaming equipment comes in.

Buy yourself a high-resolution monitor. You can’t go wrong with the 28-inch 4K monitor from BenQ. Get a full-sized backlit keyboard like the Razer’s Ornata Wired Keyboard too. Complement those with the Logitech’s G502 gaming mouse or Microsoft’s Xbox Core Controller. Round up your arsenal with a Plantronics headset similar to the one used by call centers.

Many newbie gamers neglect to buy a gaming chair. They consider it a fussy purchase. That’s probably the first mistake you’ll make if you’re serious about becoming an esports player. You need to sit comfortably, after all. An ergonomic gaming chair will vastly improve your gaming experience. And when you’re comfy, you’ll have a better shot at winning. Plus, after gaming, you won’t feel like an 80-year-old with back pains and whatnot.

Find a mentor

You cannot be meek when you’re eyeing a professional career in gaming. So use social media to reach out to your idols. One day, one of them will gladly take you in as a protegee. Maximize the experience. Learn as much as you can from your mentor. They’ll share lots of valuable insights with you, not just about gaming itself but how to go about life as a gamer.

pro gamers

Join a team

If you’re good enough, your mentor might hook you up with professional teams. Say yes to every opportunity that comes your way. Sometimes it’s easy to doubt yourself. But remember that it’s easier to believe that you deserve to level up in your chosen career. By joining a team, you’ll have a support system. That’s important if you want to advance in the gaming world. Plus, a team with a proven track record will start attracting the attention of sponsors.

Start streaming

You want to market your personal brand as a gamer. One way to do that is by streaming games. You’ll gain followers, and once you’ve amassed fans, sponsors will get interested. Stream on Discord or Twitch. Be at your best while streaming. You want to come off as cool and relatable. Also, look presentable.

Work your way up

You can’t become a gaming phenomenon overnight. You need to work your way up. There’s no corporate ladder here. But you still need to prove your worth. So don’t mind if you’re still on the lower ranks. Keep at it. Improve your gaming style and techniques. One day you’ll be too good at what you do; no one can ignore you.

It’s oft-cited advice that you need to follow your passion if you do not want to work for the rest of your life. Those passionate about gaming now have a viable and alternative career option. One that’s sure to earn you enough money to live a comfortable life. If you make it big in the gaming world, you can even become a legit millionaire.

But there are downsides to this career too. Think health conditions associated with prolonged hours of sitting in front of a computer screen, clicking away on a mouse and keyboard. That’s why if you’re gaming like a pro, make sure you do not neglect fitness. Start with stretches. Commit to a fitness routine and limit your consumption of junk food.

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