How Businesses Boost Their Online Presence Besides Social Media

boosting online presence

Everybody knows that social media is a powerful tool for everyone. Influencers, news outlets, production outfits, and many others use this. They all have taken advantage of social media for advertisements. It’s evident that social media presence is the most viable option for marketers today. It’s inexpensive and can reach a large amount of audience. With over 82% of the American population in social media, there’s no denying that it helps with brands’ online presence.

However, social media platforms can be very saturated. Chances are, you’d be seeing your rival brand on the same social media platform. This can be a hurdle to you as a marketer. That’s true, especially when your rival’s ad campaigns are well-crafted. This may cause people to take more notice of your rival’s brand. That’s why marketers don’t just settle in social media marketing. They know that it’s not the only way to boost a brand’s identity online.

If you’re trying to market your brand somewhere else aside from social media, this list may help you. Here are venues where you can do efficient marketing for your brand’s online presence.


Some people say that websites are dead and social media killed them. That’s not true at all. Marketers still use websites for promotion and establishing brand identity.

Websites also make it easier for clients to know more about a brand. Brands can put everything about them on a website in an organized fashion. That’s something you can’t do efficiently on social media platforms. That’s one advantage of websites that still make them relevant in digital marketing.

Another thing is marketers can be given creative freedom on websites. Websites can accurately represent a brand better than social media. They bring an undistracted view of a brand.

Search engine ads

digital ads on phone

If you search for a product on search engines, they’ll give you recommendations on top of the search results page. This is one of the ways brands are promoting their product on search engines. Getting their products featured on search engine recommendations is their goal. It can be achieved through a mix of search engine optimization and indexing.

This method can go smoothly if they use product experience software. This is to help maintain accurate information about the product in different channels. Search engine websites have always been one of the most visited websites in history. It’s just understandable that brands maximize their uses to promote their business.

Free-to-play games

Have you ever played free games on your phone? If the answer is yes, you have already encountered ads between your game sessions. Brands and businesses have found a way to infiltrate free-to-play games to market themselves. It could not be ideal for many players, but brands know that exposure is still exposure. That’s one way to spark interest in people and check out their brand. It’s a little risky, but still, it can boost a brand’s online presence.

Audio streaming

This is just like how brands do it on free-to-play games. Audio streaming platforms can bring in billions of dollars in revenue. That speaks a lot about how they can effectively boost a brand’s online presence. That’s why marketers don’t want to miss any opportunity to promote their brands on audio streaming sites.

All those ads you hear if you’re using the free version of Spotify are helpful for their respective creators. Some may feel that those ads can be overwhelming, but that’s the purpose of it. Aside from making you buy a premium subscription to get rid of the ads which benefit the audio streaming platform, these ads can also help brands be introduced to people.


Everyone knows an e-commerce platform or two. This is the newest way for shoppers to purchase items. But other than that, this has also become a way for people to discover products and brands outside social media. Putting your brand on e-commerce platforms can increase your brand’s exposure. E-commerce platforms have this feature to suggest similar products to what someone has bought.

Imagine if your products are more competitive but priced lower. There’s a big chance that shoppers will check out your brand to see if your products are worth buying. E-commerce platforms can also build a brand’s reputation through customer reviews.

If you get mostly positive feedback from clients, other people will take an interest in your brand. Shoppers always look for better options. E-commerce platforms are good at highlighting the better options. This is why brands make sure they have a presence on e-commerce platforms.

While social media is a marketer’s haven, the alternatives mentioned above can be as powerful as social media platforms. Use these alternatives to boost your brand’s online presence.

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