Managing Mental Health Through Technology

mental health

Mental health is a global issue affecting families, communities, academic institutions, and other economies. Collectively, the world is facing a mental health crisis that has taken a significant toll on everyone’s individual health.

According to Reuters, mental health issues are on the rise worldwide and could cost the global economy over $16 trillion by 2030. While some of these costs will directly affect healthcare, medicines, and therapies, they will also affect workforce productivity, education, law and order, and social welfare.

Mental health disorders are one of the leading causes of disability and various illnesses. While resources and treatments are available, not all people have access to them. This is where Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) program comes in that forms a community partnership of mental health and addiction professionals, individuals with mental illness or addiction disorders, including their families and mental health advocates. CIT software connects these people together to building resources to help people with mental health needs.

Technology has been quite useful in helping patients receive mental healthcare. Today, there are plenty of platforms and resources designed for treating mental health concerns. That said, we’ll discuss how technology help in addressing mental health challenges and how modern tools help in managing mental conditions.

Identifying the condition

The first stage in addressing mental health is to undergo screening. This phase involves assessing the individual’s emotional state and evaluating if the person displays signs of mental disorder, including its extent.

In most cases, people are hesitant to consult a mental health professional, especially if they’re not aware of the symptoms and the type of support they need. Most of the time, people go online to access self-help resources to learn how to manage their symptoms. But this can be particularly challenging since there are more than 200 mental illnesses.

When visiting a doctor, people have a hard time explaining their condition and the problems they experience. In this case, screenings offer more clarity in determining the condition, the level of severity, and the type of treatment required.

With technology, people can now undergo mental health screening in the comfort of their homes. One example is the Mental Health Test by Mental Health America, a collection of online tests helping people learn and understand mental health. The tests are confidential, anonymous, free, and validated. This test is especially helpful to people showing moderate to severe symptoms. By the end of the test, they will be able to know the treatment they need.

Finding and accessing support

artificial intelligence

Once people learn about the state of their mental health, receiving proper treatment should follow. This stage often causes internal conflict for most adults because of the negative stigma surrounding mental healthcare.

Finding support is critical in managing mental health conditions. Today, there are plenty of online resources to access support, especially those who have fears of receiving formal treatment.

One example are support groups that connect people who experience similar conditions. By joining these support groups, participants can ask questions, offer advice, and provide tips and proper management.

Mobile applications are also available to those wanting to receive treatment without leaving their home. Some rely on artificial intelligence (AI) chatbots that serve as emotional therapists. These downloadable applications support people suffering from stress, anxiety, depression, and other mental health concerns. They also offer mindfulness exercises, therapy techniques, and an avenue where the user can vent and receive support from a human coach who is a certified mental health expert.

Monitoring and managing symptoms

After receiving proper diagnosis and support, it’s critical to monitor and manage the condition to prevent further symptoms. These include stress, anxiety, depression, trembling, sweating, irregular sleep, and fast heart rate.

Mental health devices such as smartwatches make great tools for tracking symptoms. There are also applications that calculate stress levels and provide helpful solutions to relieve symptoms.

When it comes to managing conditions, there are plenty of technologies where patients can receive support, such as chatbots, online communities, and telehealth platforms. Patients may find it helpful if they have devices to track and relieve symptoms. This will determine stress and emotional patterns which they can submit to their doctors for evaluation. They can also try multifunctional tools that restore mindfulness and reduce negative emotions.

But patients shouldn’t completely rely on these tools for managing their conditions. They should supplement these tools with professional coaching and treatment for accurate diagnosis and prescription options.

Mental health is a complex global issue that requires various types of treatment and support. Considering the significant impact of technological advances in healthcare, we constantly witness new developments that help in addressing mental health concerns. Aside from providing support and professional treatment, it’s important to make the most of technology tools to aid in achieving overall mental well-being.

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