The Importance of Product Reviews in Your Online Marketing Strategy

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Any business knows that word of mouth is an important part of running a successful online marketing campaign. One related strategy is using product reviews. This customer-generated content is typically utilized to help other consumers have a clear idea of a product before buying it.

Aside from helping your potential customers make the right decision, incorporating product reviews into your branding and marketing can help your business in several big ways. Here are some of them.

1. Boost your online visibility

For you to be a successful brand, you first need to be visible. Product reviews can help make that happen. When consumers search for their needs online, they typically use search engines such as Google or Bing, which have unique approaches to surfacing content they display. But one thing’s for sure. Their algorithms greatly favor brands or businesses that provide fresh, original, and genuine content.

Seek help from a reputable digital marketing agency to help you incorporate the reviews in your campaigns and generate more. The more product reviews you have, the better chance you can have more exposure online.

2. Help with your SEO

Search engines like Google can be hard to understand at times. In fact, there could be tons of reasons as to why a page in your business website is not ranking. When using search engine optimization (SEO) to boost rankings, businesses are typically focused on link building, and keywords search and usage. But apart from those, product reviews can also be beneficial for your SEO.

User-generated content like product reviews can help make your site up-to-date, which is what search engines typically favor. They want to see relevant and fresh content from sites, so if you’re constantly generating new positive reviews, then you’re more likely to rank well.

3. Build credibility and trust

Any successful business can attest that a steady stream of good product reviews can make a business look trustworthy. According to several surveys, most customers or shoppers do not find businesses with below four-star ratings to be credible enough to buy their products.

With that in mind, keep in mind that it’s not enough that you generate big numbers of reviews. You’d also need to work on how you can receive more positive reviews from your current customers. A good digital marketing company can help you plan what to do.

4. Improve click-through rates


When launching an online marketing campaign, the primary goal is to get the users to click on your links. Studies show that consumers are more likely to click on brands with online reviews, particularly those with positive ones. It’s also found that even just 3+ star ratings can already have a good impact on click-through rates.

The rule is simple: The lower your ratings are, the lower your clicks will be. After all, there’s no use in spending thousands of dollars on your marketing strategy if people are not even clicking on your brand. Find a way to collect more positive ratings.

5. Lead to better sales

Studies found that businesses with high star ratings or positive reviews are more likely to increase sales. In particular, product reviews with five-star ratings can generate more site views and convert these into actual sales. A boost in sales comes from different aspects, such as a boost in conversion rates, repeat orders, and volumes of orders.

Displaying product reviews on your site can also help boost buyer confidence and make your potential customers more informed. Reviews are considered more detailed and personal than other content, so they often have more influence in making purchasing decisions. If you constantly put typical product descriptions, customers might doubt buying your products.

6. Improves your brand

Regardless if it’s a positive or negative review, it can still help you improve your product or even the quality of customer service. In terms of negative feedback, make it a point to check what people have to say so you can determine where you’re lacking. Maybe there’s a systematic issue with your offer? Or perhaps, there’s an employee who’s always being mentioned in the poor ratings? Knowing the root of the problems will help you plan how to move forward the right way.

If used correctly, product reviews can do wonders for your digital marketing campaign, from helping you rank higher to boosting your sales. Keep in mind that you should only use genuine reviews from your customers. Instead of creating false or fake reviews, put effort into asking your loyal customers for their feedback and finding other ways to get more reviews.

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