Top Trends that Will Shape the Dairy Industry this 2021

holding a glass of milk

Milk and dairy are considered some of the most important commodities ever since the beginning of civilization. This isn’t a surprise when this is known for giving us sustenance since we were still a toddler. Even after hundreds of years, milk and dairy products are still some of the most imported products globally.

However, the dairy market has made a considerable shift since the past year. The recent COVID-19 pandemic has caused drastic changes in many aspects of society. Many experts suggest that the economic recession caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has caused many business organizations and industries to revamp their strategies and day-to-day operations to maintain business continuity.

Fortunately, we’re almost at the tail-end of the pandemic, and we’re at a time when the pandemic’s lasting influence is slowly waning. Many pharmaceutical companies and healthcare workers work around the clock to roll out vaccination programs to transition towards pre-pandemic normal.

Still, it’s important to remember that many countries face the full brunt of the pandemic, and it could take some time before nations could fully recover from the public health crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

But for many corporations and industries, such as the dairy industry, the show must go on to help bring in revenue and profits. This year, there are many technological innovations produced by research and development teams. Most experts expect revolutionary new products that focus on sustainability, health, immunity, and packaging.

But let’s not get too ahead of ourselves. What are some of these trends that are currently on an uptick in the market? Here’s what you’ll need to know.

Dairy from the Lab

Some of the most crucial innovations in the dairy industry are currently being developed by professionals who have been in the industry for decades. Companies and manufacturers are currently looking for ways to perfect the formula of their dairy products while balancing out nutrients and proteins that are crucial to the needs of the human body.

In the past few years, how customers consume products has drastically changed. Most experts would say that this is partly due to rising concerns about mass-produced products and their impact on our health and much of our lifestyle. Many advocates would say that commercial farming and the waste produced have also added to these concerns. There are many mounting reasons why consumers have decided to lower their dairy products intake, which can affect much of the industry.

What’s a good solution to this? Many companies are developing and manufacturing their own lab-based dairy products from various nutrient-rich and organic sources. These plant-based sources offer more sustainable alternatives and a more reliable solution to environmental impacts.

If you’re not quite keen on milk from plants, several manufacturers still produce many real dairy products that take a great deal of time and effort to perfect the dairy formula. Whether it’s from a cow or not, dairy protein manufacturers are known for producing tasty and protein-rich dairy products.

Innovations in Packaging

pouring a milk

One of the most important innovations known for their lasting impact on sustainability and function is the packaging of many products. This is especially important when many establishments limit foot traffic due to the risk of infection from COVID-19. That said, packaging has become even more important since this will have a lasting impression and impact on the business. Having a visually-appealing packaging will positively impact the view of the public on many dairy products.

It’s important to remember that convenience is essential for building a positive public image. Many experts say that packaging is driven by many consumers who want products packaged for better functionality while also appealing. This year, most should expect new packaging strategies, which include pouches that can stand on their own, easy-to-squeeze packages for cheese spread and sour cream, and gourmet cheese that are wrapped individually.

In terms of storage, innovations in packaging have also made it easier to control and modify the atmosphere around the product, helping with a better shelf life for many products. Thus, packaging will play a major role in giving much of the international market the convenience to increase revenue.


As you can see, there are plenty of technological innovations in the dairy industry. Many investors and customers should be excited about these innovations’ prospects since this can definitely help the market. Not only will these innovations revolutionize trends in health, sustainability, and technology in the coming years, but they can also help gradually increase the standard of living for much of the target audience.

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