Family History and Cancer Risk: Are There Any Correlations?

mother and daughter

Cancer has always been known for being one of the most prevalent and deadly diseases that has plagued humanity for thousands of years. Cancer is known for being so serious that the medical community has always been constantly researching cures for a different form of cancer for hundreds of years.

At the present moment, there is no “cure” for cancer. Although, that doesn’t mean that cancer can is addressed as a disease. Most medical experts would say that prevention is one of the best ways of handling cancer risk. Some treatments and therapies can be used to treat cancer in its most early stages.

Since there’s no effective “cure” to cancer, many individuals are advised to live a healthier lifestyle to keep the risk of cancer at bay. However, some studies suggest that cancer is often linked to a person’s genetic makeup and family history. But what do the facts say regarding this situation? Will we have the necessary technological innovations and research to combat cancer? Here’s what you’ll need to know.

Cancer Risk: Factors You Need to Note

But before we discuss anything else, we’ll need to discuss one of the most critical aspects of cancer: the likelihood of contracting it. It’s essential to keep in mind that various factors come into play that could either increase or decrease the possibility of cancer.

Some of these factors include:

  • Lifestyle — Having a healthy and active lifestyle can decrease the risk of cancer.
  • Diet — Having a well-balanced diet with all your nutritional needs can decrease the risk of cancer. Staying away from synthetic and mass-produced junk food can increase risk. Poor diet is often linked to cancer.
  • Exposure to certain conditions — Certain types of chemicals and elements are known for emitting dangerous levels of radiation that could cause cancer. Certain types of chemicals, such as the substance asbestos, can cause cancer.

However, an important note that people should keep in mind is that cancer risk is never non-existent, and none of these factors is solely responsible for individuals contracting cancer.

Recent clinical studies have shown that a person’s genetic makeup is known for being one of the major influencers in cancer. As defined by many professionals in the medical community, genetic makeup includes your demographic of origin (race) and the history and prevalence of cancer in your family.

family in the living room

Family History and Cancer Risk

Again, it’s essential to be aware that there’s no sole factor that could cause cancer. Not just that, but certain types of cancers are more prevalent in certain age groups. But genetic makeup will usually affect how different types of cancers will target specific demographics and age groups.

Although genetic makeup might play a factor, most studies have said that it’s a common misconception that if an individual’s family has a history of cancer, they are susceptible to it. Cancer can manifest in different parts of the body, and it can come from various sources. However, there’s still a high chance of being inherited.

This can come in a variety of forms, including:

  • Breast cancer
  • Uterine cancer
  • Colorectal cancer
  • Ovarian cancer

As you can see, cancer risk among individuals is entirely a situational concept. But since genetics is quite situational in these situations, lifestyle and aging are the dominant factors that can affect risks.

As such, there’s a higher chance of getting cancer from different types of activities, such as smoking, drinking, and even binge-eating. Still, the risk is there, and taking precautions can get you far.

Cancer screening should be a priority for individuals with family history since it’s important to address early signs as soon as possible.

But the good news here is that you shouldn’t be too scared of the risk of cancer. Although many medical communities worldwide have been working on a cure for hundreds of years, we might see some progress in the coming years, especially through preclinical oncology CRO services. This service can help expedite the research process and is staffed with professionals and state-of-the-art testing equipment to accelerate data collection and information dissemination.

Based on new studies, the risk of cancer based on genetics is still small. However, that shouldn’t mean that you or your family members should shrug off the cancer risk. Being aware of your family history is a good way of preparing yourself for the future. Although the number of medical treatments that can effectively “cure” cancer is quite limited, new research might change the status quo. Still, it’s essential to keep in mind that prevention is better than cure in this situation.

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