Three Technologies to Grow Profits and Save Money in Your Business

artificial intelligence

When running a business, entrepreneurs have to take plenty of steps to save more money as possible. From reusing equipment, going paperless, and changing light bulbs, every effort goes a long way. But despite these efforts, many businesses still fail after running out of capital. To reduce financial impact, businesses turn to consultancy firms offering advice about the capital allowance for businesses.

Although cutting costs and materials still helps, these techniques may not offer the savings you need. As a business owner, it’s important to look for other effective ways to save more cash and keep the business afloat. This is where technology comes in to make processes more efficient and effective. Not only it helps in accomplishing high levels of accuracy, but it also frees up valuable resources to pursue other pressing objectives.

Intelligent and thoughtful investment in technology can help any business succeed. Unfortunately, not all businesses are willing to adapt to new technologies because of their big price tag. In reality, learning how to use the right technology tools can help you save more money in the long run. That being said, here are the best technologies worth pursuing to save time, money, and resources.

AI-powered customer service

Millennials make up the largest purchasing power in several industries today. They’re leading the transition toward automated customer support powered by artificial intelligence (AI). Compared to live agents, AI bots in customer service can handle thousands of online customer queries in real-time.

Conversational bots offer a lot of advantages in many businesses, and saving time and money is one of them. For example, AI agencies are helping global companies such as Sony and Netflix increase their revenue while reducing expenditures. Other AI bots even act as ‘customer whisperers’ to navigate consumer’s emotions and needs without depending on human input.

It’s also important to note that technology is more efficient, productive, and accurate than humans. They don’t need breaks or sleep, and can even work 24/7 without getting bored. Businesses can also rely on AI to remind them of important events and chat with clients at any time and place.

AI can also analyze loads of data in a few seconds, which often takes several hours of vigorous human labor and tasks that are unimaginable to accomplish. They also take the burden of repetitive tasks by automating routine work, allowing businesses to focus on activities to increase sales.

Cybersecurity tools


Protecting the business against cyber attacks is an expensive endeavor. According to a report by the Centre for Economics and Business Research (CEBR), cybercrime is costing UK companies £34 billion, which involves intellectual and revenue property losses and increased IT spending. The numbers are also set to rise as cybercriminals are conducting cyber attacks in a more targeted method.

Cybercrime such as data breaches, hacking, and malware attacks can cost businesses millions of dollars. A business with poor cybersecurity practices can lose the trust of its customers if they know their personal information is just within reach.

Prevention can go a long way over reactionary measures. This includes restricting data access to certain devices, setting security policies and standards for social media access, and outlining requirements for passwords and email security. Following these recommended practices can make a difference in your digital asset and other important investments.

Investing in cybersecurity tools and hiring dedicated experts will not only result in better protection but also greater profits and fewer disruptions. Cybersecurity will handle all routine tasks, such as automating security checks, managing risk assessments, monitoring the latest threats, and checking on federal and state regulations. With a comprehensive cybersecurity infrastructure, your IT team can focus more on more important projects.

Inventory management platforms

Many businesses today don’t monitor their inventory or keep using manual and outdated inventory methods. In reality, businesses are prone to losing data and miss out on techniques critical in inventory management.

Leading firms that rely on big data to streamline their inventory are making the most of inventory management technology to automate warehouse processes. For example, Lowe’s, Walmart, and Target are using robots to scan shelves to speed up inventory procedures.

Inventory management software also helps in forecasting demand to prevent overstocking or product shortages. They also reduce the financial losses for product spoilage by helping warehouse staff determine the oldest items on the shelf. Storage fees are also pricey, but inventory tools can lower storage costs by determining the ideal time to reorder supplies.

While running a business is inevitably filled with several expenses, there are steps you can do to save more and keep the money in your savings account. Modern technology offers a variety of tools that will not only make the business efficient and productive but also help in freeing up your capital for other important areas of the business.

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